Monday, December 7, 2009

Night train?

Just the concept of this threw me a little. Sleeping on a train? In a bed? I was proper baffled. We got on feeling more battered than Ulrika Jonson and settled down on some seats next to a Japanese girl with a MASSIVE box of donuts that she didn't want to share. Aun had come to wave us off and we had an amusing moment where the train started to move and she was still on. Baring in mind Chiang Mai is 14 hours north of Bangkok, she shit herself and ran off very fast.

After a couple of games of sevens, a game which I didn't and probably wont ever fully understand the point of, we had some food. Thai curries and soup on a train. Proper mental. You wouldn't get that on a National Express.

Sleep was the order of the day. And after having our beds made up, including my top bunk, we tried to get some much needed kip. I thought this as going well when I dozed off to a Ricky Gervais podcast. Oh how wrong was I. For the rest of the 14 hour journey I was constantly woken up by the jolting of the train, which at times seemed like it was goin faster than the speed of sound. Rolling into Chiang Mai station I was a right mess. As you can see, I was in no mood for photography at 7 in the morning.

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